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A Dad and Two Sons

A story heard we

Called ‘prodigal son’.

So wasteful was he.

Call him, ‘spoilt one’.

Impatient, cruel,

Unthinking, selfish

His wealth to possess.

Dad’s death did he wish.

Lavish he is not,

In matters that count.

With leaches for friends

He drains his account.

In deep despair’s pit

Only sight’s upward.

Seeing own folly,

Trudges on homeward.

Welcome. Oh! Welcome

Celebration grand!

Fit for royalty

Befitting the Dad.

While staying home son

Sure, all things are his.

With no one to share

To selfishness sinks.

The blessings You give

To me is all good.

Share with wasteful one?

That’s not what I would.

Wish brother be dead

Dad’s wealth be all mine.

Is that how it works?

Share, all’s never mine.

The Father of love

With love invited.

Some come, some do not

E’en Love is repulsed!

Thy Chesed, Dear Lord,

Let me today share.

So, like You I’ll be

Thy glory to wear.

Yeanoku Sept. 15, 2022


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