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Insignificant Yet Indispensable

The lowly bee and her sisters,

Engineers so sublime.

Gather pollen and sweet nectar.

What is, where found, is shared.

Following precise directions

Rich harvest is assured.

The queen, the drones, and the workers

Perform God-given tasks.

Performing not reaching higher

The hive lasts long and thrives.

Each life may be brief and mortal

Grand scheme misses no beat!

Such wonders, man sees and declares,

“These mother nature does.”

Man refuses to give women

Equal status in life.

But gives God’s status and power

To deities female!

Lone missing jigsaw puzzle piece

Leaves picture incomplete.

So, just one chain link when broken,

Its work chain cannot do.

Community, humility,

God’s super plan is love.

The rule of love is God’s standard.

The choice is yours and mine.

Devil declared he’ll rule better.

Sovereign is God! I’m glad.

Like bees and other creations

Still true to God they are.

One day soon all will be perfect.

Whole universe shall throb

To one heartbeat of joyful love.

What wonders we await.

Wait patiently, He’ll soon return.

His promises are sure.

Watch eagerly and be prepared.

He comes bearing rewards.

Yeanoku Dec. 30, 2022


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