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Be Blessed!

Love didn't count the cost or distance, High heaven was emptied for me. Counted the cost, went to the cross, No price was too high to repay. "Your sins are paid in full", said He With Royal blood and life holy. Filled empty hands to overflowing, His scars are imprinted in my palms. "My Lord! I owe You all", I cried My empty heart is all He wanted. One-sided love, one day will die. Poor widow's two mites were valued much; She kept naught, not even for lunch. The barn is empty, the fruit trees barren, All's not bleek for the future is bright! "I have chosen thee", says the LORD of hosts. His promise is sure, word failing never, "From this day on I will bless thee.

BE BLESSED! Jeyasingh Vedamuthu

Dec. 04, 2021


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