Writers face each day
Enemy, Delay.
I’m thinking, thinking,
Quite long pondering.
Mind cooks up something
Kin not to one’s goal.
Wander to projects
Long since set aside.
Writer’s block, it’s called.
Another villain.
Seeking perfection
Sets aside what’s nigh.
When deadline looms tall
These projects vanish.
Write down meager thoughts
Grand will rise to top.
The Author of thought
Has answers for all.
Deadline is looming
For each one of us.
Grand invitation
Accept it you must.
This invite of Love
Is solid as rock.
There’s no fence sitting.
Accept or reject.
No ticket to buy.
With blood, price was paid!
Forever awaits
For those who accept.
Yeanoku Dec 15, 2022.
Deadlines - time’s not to be frittered away. Reminder is appreciated. ~ Peter Nigel B.