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Let Me See, LORD

Let me see through Your Eyes Lord

The wondrous things You have made.

That shines out and shouts forth, thru

The mess and trouble we’ve made.

Let me see through Your Eyes Lord

The squalor of poverty,

Prison-like with no way out.

With tear-stained cheeks You see this.

Let me see through Your Mind Lord

The swift sweep of history.

Rise and fall of mighty kings,

You’re sovereign yet You're patient.

Let me see through Your Mind Lord

Pride and praise we call our own.

Acknowledge not You’re sovereign

Though breath itself is from Thee!

Let me see through Your Heart Lord

The love for humanity.

So tender so forgiving,

Not just for few but for all!

Let me see through Your Heart Lord

As sister and as brother.

Build bridges across chasms,

Unite, separate never.

Let me see through You Dear Lord

Difficult though it may seem.

An example You have left

To emulate, to follow.

Let me see through You Dear Lord

Your Spirit to us enable.

With eyes, mind, heart transfigured

Glorify Thee, bless others.

Yeanoku September 12, 2022.


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