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Love or Fear?

Love and fear; can they coexist?

If light and darkness can, they can.

When light appears darkness retreats.

Love like light overpowers fear.

When rains descend harvest follows.

Where waters flow can drought remain?

There’s a ‘fear’ called awe and respect.

Term’s meaning we seldom now use.

Only place love and awe abide

Is in Thy pure, divine presence.

John, who on Your gentle breast lay,

Saw Thy Majesty; fell as dead.

Like John, to love You, must learn now.

Thy right hand of love will raise us.

Awe and love of child to parents

The closest thing You’ve given us now.

Love, awe, respect can coexist.

Love is the only end result.

In awe behold God’s majesty.

Draw near, fear morphs into sweet love.

In awe behold Mount Calvary,

Gethsemane’s steadfast love too.

There is no fear in love, God’s gift.

For perfect love drives out all fears.

Practice love on neighbors you see.

Thus learn we to love unseen God.

The Maker’s manual is clear.

For best results follow with care.

"Yeanoku" December 04, 2022.

1 Comment

Dec 10, 2022

Lots to ponder here. Apparent dichotomies are not set in stone. There is hope for hopeless to become hopeful. ~ Peter Nigel B.

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