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Shackles and bars do prisons make.

Off-line with man results in jail.

Why if not do I feel enslaved?

World so perfect You did create.

You knew that carnage lay ahead.

A field of battle it would be.

God of Love, You claim, and You are!

And yet a battle ground You need?

In great detail we’ve seen You fight.

You suffered much, endured shame, pain.

Enemy danced with joy and glee.

Friends couldn’t bear to see the scene.

So, now You need a prison space?

Whole world You’ve turned over to them.

Your children now are inmates there.

Enticed, hoodwinked into this jail,

Peer pressured, take easy way out.

Willingly walk we into jail.

Minds are shackled, realize we not.

Innate bent; nail to our own cross.

Like Peter obtain night-freedom.

Love led You into enemy camp.

Love rules! Yet easy it is not.

With victory You’ve shattered death!

Victory You will share with us,

As though enemy we did slay

Your victory You call our own.

Not just a crown of gold and gems.

Adopted us as own children.

Just a day? No eternally!

The back must bear the cruel cross.

Only then the head shall wear Your crown.

No prison there. Freedom we’ll share!

Yeanoku October 07, 2022.


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