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Salvation, Atonement, Forgiveness


Deliverance from what?

Negatives and all sin.

Salvation from whom?

The enemy who binds.

As elephants stay bound,

Even when chains are gone!

Tyranny, self, and pride.

Have shackles that hold fast.

Redemption price is high.

Ransom for all He’s paid.

He rules only with Love.

Trust Him! You’ll not go wrong.


You’re free! Walk out with Him.

With fetters He binds not.

With silk chords He does bind

Protection sweet surrounds.

Silk bonds are very strong,

But, never to enslave.

His freedom’s valid still

To choose or to reject!

He freed just to adopt

You, into His household.

Grow the love God gives you

Like Enoch walked with God.


Ransom price, paid in full.

Father’s child you now are.

Take away filthy rags.

Bathe, anoint, don grand robe,

Feet shod in healing shoes;

On course to stay equips.

Time to time, course correct,

Or, off road you’ll soon be.

Receiving is the key.

Though it is given free.

Forgiveness is God’s gift,

Accepting ones receive.

Yeanoku May 21, 2022.

1 Comment

Jun 11, 2022

‘Salvation, Atonement, Forgiveness’. This resonated powerfully with me. The following lines in particular: “ As elephants stay bound, Even when chains are gone! Tyranny, self, and pride. Have shackles that hold fast. ___________________________________ Silk bonds are very strong, But, never to enslave. His freedom’s valid still To choose or to reject!” _______________________ May God grant me wisdom to choose His silk bonds of life and liberty that still honor my choices rather than the shackles that twist and enslave to ultimate destruction. Peter Nigel B.

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