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Strange Things

Encounter something different?

See an unfamiliar practice?

Does this your hackles raise up high,

Or curiosity abounds?

A neighbor who looks quite foreign.

Her cooking wafts strange aromas.

Does this turn you off; “That’s not mine”!

Are you brave to try new cuisine?

What’s the reason he behaves so?

Is this how he worships his God?

Or does this promote his good health?

Does this a closer look merit?

Condemn not unknown as heathen.

Take closer look with open mind.

His ways may not as foreign be.

Don’t shun unknown before testing.

The east worship with whole being,

While west severs body from soul.

Grass is greener beyond the fence

So west and east now give and take.

Take what is good from other side.

Touch not what’s ill and evil there.

Lose not the good that’s always thine.

For this, drink deep of what is thine.

Amazed you’ll be at what you learn

And see the wisdom of closeness

With God. And respect fellow man

As equal children of one God!

Yeanoku June 30, 2022.


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