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Words are thoughts made audible.

Unseen yet real impulses

Effortlessly emanate,

Ever flowing mind to mouth.

Pure and noble elevate,

Kind and loving are their words.

Fear and pride subjugate,

Strident and angry their words.

Mind begets words then actions.

Words do enslave or set free.

Since tongues are word’s vehicles,

Noble and not so there be.

I’m ignorant and human.

Great God is beyond my ken.

Why The Word became flesh? So,

Our God we can comprehend.

God’s message was very clear.

Impeccable the syntax.

Yet misunderstood, we HE!

Pride and love shall never mix!

Thoughts are words, words prod actions.

Actions a person becomes.

Proud or noble a man is,

Reveals who in his mind lives.

May our minds be transposed,

With LOVE and kindness imbued.

To humane humans changing,

Thence waiting to morph sublime.


May 01, 2022


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